Saturday, August 31, 2019

A&P vs Araby

In this essay I hope to show differences between John Updike’s A&P and James Joyce’s Arbay. Some of the things are that both of the authors talk about the same idea of a young boy’s growth for their adolescences. These boys need a lot more experience with the real world this comes with time, age and also experience. What is it like for Sammy to grow up with his parents and arbay to grow up with his aunt and uncle? In these essays what would you do if you were in the same situation as these boys? How do these boys need to grow up and mature?Or do you think that their actions might be a little overboard Even though John Updikes’s and James Joyce differ in stories they both are talking about the same type of situation two boys that are growing up from their different situations from their adolesonces. This common ground becomes clear through the way both of the authors wrote their essays. In John Updike’s essay Sammy Works for A&p when he saw a group o f girls come into the store while he was working right away he judged them on what they were wearing and how they looked not even to stop to think about anything about there personality’s.In James Joyce’s essay the author refers to the girl of his his dreams as Megan’s sister? What is her name does he know anything about her. You can see where these stories are starting to one another to relate to one another. In John Updike’s essay A&P Sammy Is telling the story from his perspective witch makes the essay less interesting in my opinion. On the Other hand with James Joyce’s essay Arbay he is a little bit more Experienced and very articulate with his words witch makes the essay more interesting.Sammy from A&P has become very aggravated at his job because the customers are very inconsiderate for many different reasons: As he mentions â€Å"She’s one of the these cash register witches† (227). That gave him hell beause he rang up a box of Hiho crackers two times by mistake. Sammy really got aggravated after that incident happened at work I think that really started to get him aggravated at that point he was really starting to think rationally and not in a mature manner. We see the author and main character of Araby as he battles with his adulthoodEmotions as he tries to understand his feelings towards Megan’s sister every morning He follows her but hardly speaks to her Still â€Å"her name was like a summons to all my Foolish blood† (227). He is still a boy, since he is too scared to approach her but dealing With adult feelings which he does not understand? His anger is shown at the end of the Story, since the bazaar is closed and there is nothing he can get for her and he says â€Å"he Sees himself as a creature driven and derided by vanity† This again shows the battle ofHormones as he sees his feelings being based on how he can impress Megan’s sister. Both boys are going through growing into adulthood differently in their stories Sammy being at the A&P sees his store as the average place where the boring, ugly Average people go the girls he sees come in represent a fantasy of his the better Merchandise that is better than average the main character of Araby also has a fantasy But in his turn to adulthood he tries to buy the girl of his dreams an object Therefore, It’s a subject shown as the boys are growing into adulthood it is frustrating to bothSince the boy in Araby is unable to attain anything for the sister, and Sammy sees the Merchandise at A&P as average and meaningless anyway Vanity is frustrating because a lot of girls like physical things and gifts from boys and for the boy in Araby he is not able to get this and therefore has failed in being able to impress the girl Sammy sees the A&P as not being good enough for the bathing suit girls which maybe why he decides it is not good enough for him either. One thing I want to point out is that in A&P we see the difference between omeone in adulthood and someone growing into it While Sammy wishes to see the girls in their bathing suits that come into A&P, his manager scolds the girls, telling them they have too little clothing Sammy here represents one side of pre-adulthood, where in his mind the girls are better than the average woman who shop in A&P, the ones who are â€Å"house slaves in pin curlers† and â€Å"women with six children and varicose veins mapping their legs† (64).His manager is the other side well into his adulthood who sees the girls as being indecent, and even says something about the next time they will ave to come in â€Å"with their shoulders covered† (64) Sammy is so angered at this he quits which shows the level of emotion in the theme of growing into adulthood His Hormones have gotten the best of his reason and he acts upon his emotions. Although there are definite differences in â€Å"Arabay† and â€Å"A&P,† we see the sam e theme of growing into adulthood in both stories This is not an easy task Both Sammy and the boy from Arabay find themselves frustrated as they go through their thoughts Sammy is concerned with quality which is something he sees little of in theA&P, in both his judgment of the A&P and women that usually are shopping in it The author of Arabay is also concerned with quality on a different level He hopes to get a good present for his friend’s sister that is the girl he is feeling his adulthood directed on. He is unhappy when he comes to the bazaar, and sees that most of the things are gone and he is unable to provide something to the girl of his dreams that satisfies him. In both stories the boys share a common frustration with their feelings and change in attitudes, which show the inner turmoil of hormones, and their progress to adulthood.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Young Girls in the Media

Never before has the sexualisation of girls in the media been as prominent, explicit and had such lasting harm on girls and women. 9 out of 10 girls say the fashion industry and the media place a lot of pressure on teenage girls to be thin (spark summit video). Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to have this opportunity to present my seminar to you on how the innocence of young females is exploited and sexualised in popular culture, particularly in advertising. It is recognised that Australians now spend in excess of 89 hours per week or almost 80 per cent of their waking hours consuming media (who 2012).The sexualisation of girls has been a topic of interest to many over past years, from the 1953 creation of the Barbie doll, the 2001 epidemic of BRATZ dolls, to the controversial perfume advertisements Daisy and OH LOLA! By Marc Jacobs; enforces the representation that young females are positioned to be sexual objects. The unrealistic representations of young women as sexual object s which is portrayed within the social media, is not only harmful to girls, but is also harmful to the wider community. But what exactly is sexualisation?Sexualisation refers to make sexual, endow with sex, or attribute sex to (Princeton. edu), not something that is commonly associated with when making reference to young women and children. Sexualisation is ever present in modern media and we are susceptible to images of women and children where the emphasis is on attraction, appeal, and seductiveness. The increasing sexualisation of the society in which we live, with a specific focus on female gender representation, plays an influential role as to how young women portray and perceive themselves.The images of women we see in mainstream media portrays to a child that they should convey a higher level of sexual maturity far beyond their years in order to be considered attractive and beautiful. These fascinations can cause severe social implications for young girls, which can potential ly be harmful. This in turn can shape our ideologies and beliefs as to what it means to be a woman and the need to conform with society. Advertising plays an integral role in the popularity of a particular product and this is created through the use of numerous sense alluring factors such as colour, sound and the overall physical attraction of the product.In 1953 the fictitious character Barbara Roberts was born into society, commonly known as Barbie, Barbie portrays the pre-conceived perfect connotation of physical appearance being tall, blonde and blue-eyed and living a luxurious lifestyle complete with a hot pink Ferrari. The advertisements for Barbie are gender specific targeting specifically females, this is insinuated through the use of the colour pink throughout the entire advertisement connoting a dream-like land of endless clothes, shoes and pink glitter which you can only experience if you purchase and play with a Barbie doll.It is estimated that over a billion Barbie doll s have been sold worldwide in over 150 countries, with three Barbie dolls being sold every second (Barbie. com). Not only is Barbie tall, thin and physically attractive, she has access to every luxury item imaginable to counterpart her so-called perfect life. To further highlight the connotation of Barbie, the exceedingly attractive and deemed perfect boyfriend, Ken Carson, also accompanies her promoting to young girls that in order to advance in life you must be either married or have a boyfriend.This unrealistic and completely inaccurate depiction of reality only further entices severe social implications, and promotes girls to dress in attire far beyond their years. Barbie dolls are predominantly targeted to innocent young girls between the ages of 6-12, influencing what they believe they should look like, and what kind of life they should lead. Perfumes are the perfect ground for aesthetically pleasing advertisements as it cements in the viewers mind what to expect when they wea r the desired perfume. The Oh LOLA!Perfume advert from Marc Jacobs, staring teenage actress Dakota Fanning was pulled in the United Kingdom ruling that the imagery is guilty of sexualising a child (research reference here). The full name of Jacob’s fragrance is LOLITA, the word Lolita means a sexually precocious young girl; a young girl who has a very sexual appearance and behaves in a very sexual way. The model is seen to be wearing a short pale coloured lace dress with the hem raised to the mid thigh, holding up the renowned fragrance shaped like a vase holding a blooming pink flower which rests in her lap between her legs.There are connotations regarding the strategic and sexual undertone to the placement of the flower. As to the professed age of the model, she looks exceedingly young, this is used to sexualise and exploit the innocence of children consequently preying on a child’s lack of knowledge. This is in turn demeans and demoralises women through denoting the m to have child look attributes. Marc Jacobs refers to his Oh LOLA ad as sensual and seductive. However the meticulous choice of actress also influences the audience's view as she appears young and innocent.Advertising for his following perfume Daisy also generated fierce debate as to the sexualisation of the young female models as they are seen reclining provocatively on horses, smiling suggestively at the camera whilst wearing transparent dresses. The music accompanying the ad â€Å"Dream A Little Dream Of Me† is also very evocative and further promotes the sexual nature of the advertisement. {DAISY VIDEO} Overall this advertisement presents an unjust view of females in the media by sexualising them through portraying women as objects rather than people.Studies have proven that these negative images in the media and the messages they send have significant impacts on the lives of young people. Mental health professionals are increasingly disturbed about the popularity of sex ualised images in the media encompassing children and young adolescents displaying traits originally associated with adult sexuality (apa. org). The unrealistic representations of gender particularly that of young women portrayed in the media is not only harmful to girls themselves but also to the wider community.The exploitation of girls as sexual objects can provide insufficient development of the adolescent brain mounting the risk of depression, eating disorders, low self-esteem and self worth and even teen suicide, impacting children and their families (who 2012). Furthermore, 31% of girls admit to starving themselves in order to loose weight (spark summit video). These images are detrimental to an adolescent mind as it promotes belief that physical beauty and sexual attractiveness is expected in our society.It is clear ladies and gentleman from these examples, and the medical research that the media, fashion and marketing industries aim to achieve profit by glorifying the most unrealistic body types, despite the fact that this encourages innocent and naive young children to regard this as an ideal image to strive towards. It is without a doubt that the media is aware of what are they promoting regardless of age as many people conform to the idea that sex sells.The construction of sexualised advertisements and images influences girls to dress and act sexy and seductively as it is considered the social norm and acceptable within society. Therefore I urge you, as members of the Australian Media Council and Advertising Bureau, to shift towards a more diverse representation of women in popular culture, advertising and media texts; that lure away from the sexualisation and innocence exploitation of young women. This will not only assist young women, but all of society to rise above the limiting expectations and social implications of this form of marketing.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Denver Area Educational Telecommunications Consortium v FCC, 518 U.S Essay

Denver Area Educational Telecommunications Consortium v FCC, 518 U.S. 727 United States v. Playboy Entertainment Group, 529 U.S - Essay Example In this Act, section 10 (a) and (c) allowed television program operator to forbid or deny broadcasting a program that it practically trusts portrays sexual activities or organs in a patently offensive way. On the other hand, section 10 (b) required the operators to distinguish a â€Å"patently belligerent† programming, block it and unblock it within 30 days of the viewer’s request (Breyer et al. 1). The appeal’s court held that the three sections were coherent with the First Amendment. The ruling was acknowledged in part and reversed in part. The court issued the opinion resolving that  § 10(b) infringes the first modification. The sections’ â€Å"distinguish and block† requisites have understandable language obstructive upshots for subscribers, who cannot view telecasts distinguished on the â€Å"patently belligerent† channel devoid of significant prior planning. Additionally, the judge held that section 10 (b) was not properly designed to attain its primary goal of protecting the children from disclosure to â€Å"patently offensive† telecasts (Breyer et al. 1). The case number 98-1682, United States, et al., the Appellants, vs. Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc., the Defendant, was argued from November 30, 1999 and decided on May 22, 2000. In this case, the Appellant, United States filed a direct appeal pursuant to section 561 of the Telecommunications Act, 1996. In the prior history of this case, the Appellee, Playboy Entertainment Group, challenged the Telecommunications Act of 1996 by asserting that section 505 was an unreasonably limiting content-oriented statute offensive of the First Amendment. In its previous ruling, the court held that section 505 infringes the First Amendment. This case signified a contest to the  §505 of the Telecommunications Act 1996, Pub. L. 104-104. This section necessitates cable television operators who offer telecasts â€Å"primarily committed to sexually-oriented programmi ng† either fully block or scramble the broadcasts or restrict their broadcast to a time when children are not probable to be watching preferably between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. In order to conform to this directive, most of the cable operators implemented the second time broadcasting approach. The upshot of the extensive implementation of the time broadcasting was to do away with the broadcasting of the targeted programming exterior to the shark repellent period in affected cable service parts. In this case, no household would receive this type of programs for two third of the hours of the day. In the appeal case, the court dismissed the appeal for lack of jurisdiction and affirmed its earlier decision. In the Denver Educational Telecommunications Consortium, Inc, et al., vs. Federal Communications Commission et al. case, the court noted that Section 10 (b) infringes the First Amendment. The court noted that tis section had speech limiting effects on the subscribers and that it was not appropriately designed to protect children from â€Å"patently offensive† materials. A close examination of section 10 (a) depicted that the statute appropriately addresses a severe issue without inflicting unnecessary limitation on speech (Breyer et al. 1). The appellant’s dependence on the court’s â€Å"public form† is ineffective. It is needless and uninformed to decide on how to use the public forum principle to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Gender differences as a function of perception and stereotypes Dissertation

Gender differences as a function of perception and stereotypes - Dissertation Example The researcher states that the changing leadership practices of school principals at the secondary school level are evident through the development programs and leadership preparations for women in positions of leadership in schools. There is now increasing emphasis on preparing women for school leadership positions, which underlines two connected concerns. Firstly, the prevailing patterns illustrate the ways in which preparation programs are intentionally leveraging designs and delivery aspects in preparing larger numbers of women for leadership functions in schools. This is to equip them with the knowledge and skills required for systemically changing school working. Such patterns clearly suggest the transforming characteristics of school leadership in terms of being driven and accompanied through conceptualizing the principal’s role in new ways. It is thus important to examine the changing roles of school leadership, the environment in which principals are developed and pre pared, the gender differences relative to perception and stereotypes and stratification of roles. In considering them together it becomes evident that the increasing emphasis on instructional capacities in school leadership has disturbed the conventional gender balance of authority whereby men’s roles are related with masculinity. For example, male roles such as administration are indicative of higher status relative to women’s functions in regard to femaleness, child care and instruction. (Bennett and Anderson, 2003). The shortage of women in roles of secondary school principals is a global phenomenon, which is evident from the fact that women comprise of at least half of total secondary school teachers but in secondary school administration functions they form a minority. It is required of professionals in the area of education to appreciate the fact that gender determines important roles in regard to women being assigned the role of principals in secondary schools. Analysts in the field of education believe that there are three standards relative to leadership and gender: That orthodox leaders are male Leadership styles are characteristic of being macho It can be theorized that leadership tends to marginalize gender. Tallerico and Blount (2004) have held that society has orthodox beliefs about leadership being vested with males and that such belief systems continue supporting male domination. They also believe that norms such as gender filters are perpetuated due to shared understanding amongst administrators that males have the ability to resolve matters relative to discipline. However, the transforming environment of enhanced accountability has impacted shifts in concepts of leadership through which principals are being inducted. In regard to enhanced local and national emphasis on enhancing students’

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Urban economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Urban economics - Essay Example For instance, there are 2 the automotive parts, accessories and tire store business. Compared to other cities around, Calabasas is not performing that well economically compared to Culver City and Los Angeles which records a number of 5 and 462 of such stores respectively. Los Angeles is leading compared to other cities in terms of motor vehicle numbers, recording a number of 63 compared to 1 in Calabasas, CA. It is so unfortunate that other cities like the Malibu, CA and the Culver City, CA do not have any motor vehicle dealer. According to the NAICS 2014 statistics, Calabasas, CA has a total of 7 automobile dealers, this is far away behind the Los Angeles, CA which had a recording number of 282. Sales of motor vehicles has really contributed to the economic growth of the cities in USA. In 2014 alone, the sales from motor vehicle was 238m dollars in Calabasas, CA, 24.737 m dollars in Culver City, Ca, and 10216067000 dollars in Los Angeles, CA, This is a quite encouraging revenue for the states. Other variables attached to the economic growth finding is the revenue from motor oil and the gasoline. Malibu, CA recorded an amount of 16.583 million dollars, 28.526 m dollars for Calabasas, CA, 24.737 m dollars for Culver City, CA, and 3748190400 dollars for Los Angeles, CA. Based on the household number, Malibu, CA has household number of 5178, Calabasas, CA has household number of 8527,Culver City, CA has a number of 39844, while Los Angeles, Ca recorded a household number of 3881954. The population density per square mile for Malibu, CA was 373, 1423 for Calabasas, Ca, 6489 for Culver City, CA, and 8257 for Los Angeles, CA. Finally, the net outlay for the purchasing the vehicles was 23.031 m dollars for Malibu, CA, 39.544 m dollars for Calabasas, CA, 65.343 m dollars for Culver City, CA, and 4527330600 for Los Angeles, CA. From the above statistics it is so evident that Los Angeles is performing well

Monday, August 26, 2019

What Schools Should Know About Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

What Schools Should Know About Bullying - Essay Example Probably the worst feeling in the world is being treated like you are less than who you truly are and being placed under someone’s forceful thumb. What then could possibly fix the way you feel? Would retribution be the answer? If so, what is the price of casting someone aside to live a life behind the rest? If things could be solved with money, then placing the value would be simple. But the fact is that branding someone and forsaking him into a time of misery amounts to more than just finances. It amounts to the hopes and dreams of a young boy aspiring to become better and hopefully like the rest. It amounts to the life of a man seeking fulfillment at every which turn he takes desperately wanting to prove that he is not the weakling that he was perceived to be. It amounts to everything that a bullied soul desolately seeks to cry out but could not because he is under the mercy of a heartless tyrant. It amounts to more than just power play. In current times, it amounts to bully ing. Plain and simple. Bullying has been taken to mean as an overt act of a person asserting his authority over another person usually someone perceived as a weaker specie (Snell). Oftentimes, this has been associated with the popular kids in school trying to outsmart and outplay the rest as a means to stake their hold on the majority. But the fact remains that this conduct may not actually be limited to kids bullying their classmates. In fact, there are certain instances when the school itself is guilty of such crime.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Chartered Portfolio Manager- Week 9 Discussion Post and Student Assignment - 1

Chartered Portfolio Manager- Week 9 Discussion Post and Student Responses - Assignment Example Following the Second World War, it was clear that oil was a coveted industrial commodity. The most celebrated and visible event in history took place when the United States president, Franklin Roosevelt met the founding monarch of Saudi Arabia. The meeting between the two world leaders linked American national security and Middle East oil. It also gave birth to one of the most significant strategic relationship that was forged in the 20th century with Saudis meant to supply cheap oil to the world markets with an aim of acquiring American protection. Over the course of the 20th century, preserving the security of Saudi Arabia as well as that of other countries such as Iraq were among the main political and economic concerns of countries such as the united states of America (Bouillon, 2013). The presence of oil in the Middle East countries and the struggle to control the commodity was fraught with peril and always proved costly in terms of treasure and blood. Oil has continued to flow into the global markets even though with a lot of difficulties emanating both internally and externally. Since the end of the 1970s, most of the countries in the Middle East including Iraq have experienced permanent war and revolution as a result of the commodity. In Iraq for example under the regime of Saddam Hussein, was rocked by domestic war that resulted to loss of lives. Even though security is measured by absence of war, most of the countries in the Middle East have encountered threats of domestic and international war as a result of supply of oil. The United States led inversion of Iraq in the year 2003 and the conflicts experienced in most of the countries in the region have represented both the international and domestic politics affecting the region. The American military invasion of the country represented only a stage of the US militarism in the Middle East. While more considerable

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Towards a Democratic Bill of Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Towards a Democratic Bill of Rights - Essay Example According to the essay "Towards a Democratic Bill of Rights" findings dialogue model adopts means of human rights protection, but, it also avoids forms of rights based on the judicial review. This is because; it involves the implementation of a bill of rights which can only be applied by courts. In addition Parliament’s legislative power is also preserved. Alternatively, there is an effective way in the implementation of the bill of rights by applying a democratic model called, Democratic bill of rights (Barry, 2011, p. 78). This model is dependent on political review and democratic processes in the protection and protection of the human rights. Statutory bill of the Democratic bill of rights is developed and recognized through a democratic process. This is to warrants protection of the views of Australian people. The bill of rights will be non-judicial. Relevant to the article to democracy and liberalism, the Australian constitution, federalism or the legislature In Australia , the constitution and the legislature play significant roles in the protection and promotion of the human rights. These human rights are found in the constitution, the common laws and the legislature of Australia. The constitutions offer little support in the protection and promotion of human rights. The parliamentary democracy that exists in Australia is under control by the constitution (Karvelas, 2012). Implementation of the bill of rights through dialogue model hinders democracy, because, courts are responsible for the application of the bill of rights.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Reading response paper 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reading response paper 2 - Assignment Example It never mattered if a piece of work was ornamental or representational, but the significance was the quality of aliveness. The quality that appears from artistic value does not necessarily depend on subject matter or motif. The first attempt to come up with realistic scenes in a pictorial form is found during the period of warring states (The Great Painters of China 3). The scenes are found in relieve and intaglio on bronze, which represent the figures of warriors, hunters, boats men, and musicians. Figure 6 is a clay title from Szechwam that shows less imposing objects. These objects are a clear representation of birds’ hunters at the lake at the upper side while the lower side is a representation of people harvesting in the field. The lake is symbolized by flowering lotus and big fish instead of being represented. On the other hand, the sky is full of wild ducks in flight and there is no appearance of a distant shoreline (The Great Painters of China 5). The harvesters are seen standing on a tilted position and this is evident through simple device thinning rows of the plants on them. In addition, while most of the figures are seen on an imaginary ground near the lower edge, one of the men is seen at the deeper space. Originally, it is evident that painting was concentrated on ornamental design. However, during the early parts of Han dynasty, there was a change by representation of reality in pictorial form from various sources. The most important thing was creating expressive conversation. The scene showed in figure 13 represents the story of a grandson Yuan Ku who in a period of starvation saved his grandfather from dying in the wilderness. In addition, he saved his father from the guilt of parricide. At the left side of the picture, the grand father is seen squatting abandoned under a cedar tree by the stream. Yuan Ku picks an empty stretcher to go and fetch his grandfather, but his father yells at him saying that the

What are the key differences between human speech and other animal Essay

What are the key differences between human speech and other animal vocal communication systems - Essay Example The approaches to observing and studying animal vocal communication have been changed in methodology. The studies of animal vocal communication have often gone from an informational approach to one attempting to understand an evolutionary process of animal vocal communication. In 1987, researchers of animal vocal communication collaborated and researched concerning theories that encompass concepts of animal vocal communication. The Game Theory, an analysis of the animal vocal communication studies, includes data and descriptions that analyze the frequency dependence of animal vocal communications in a given or observed setting. The Game Theory reveals or delves into the data research that an animal’s behavior – including their vocal communication systems – depends upon the frequency in which the animal appears and/or is present within the animal’s setting, environment or population. The Game Theory which includes how often or the frequency in which the voc al or sound systems of the animal are heard within their population or environment, also deals with topics of adaptations of the specific animal species and the vocal structures of the specific animal species. Animal vocal communication systems include that of the following species: Fish, Turtles, Bird species -- Sparrows -- Humming birds -- Morning doves -- Mocking birds -- Stellar blue jay.Human Vocal Communication Systems Language of humans is entirely different from that of other animal communication. The difference lies in the distinct properties of human language – the linguistics – which makes it different from any other non-human animal communication. The human language, from which dialogue and discourse, our meaningful conversations are formulated, has alphabets which help humans â€Å"to write down language and preserve ideas for coming generations. Animal vocal communication is context or environment bound. Non-human species can not communicate any experien ce of past†¦ non-human species communication is biologically transmitted, thus it can not learn any other languages†. (Johnson 3). A significant difference between human and non-human species of animals is often the interconnections between human linguistics and basis of knowledge and learning. A bird, for example, may somehow imitate human utterances; however the bird is reiterating the words without any grasp of meaning, knowledge or purpose of learning more words. With bird species, learning of words gets erased. Human beings have the unique linguistic skills of creating or constructing sounds into a form of communication that enables the human species to respond in certain ways. The communication-response systems and mechanisms of the human animal is one that is vital to the species. Differences Between Human and Animal Vocal Communication â€Å"Language is an invaluable possession of human race. Man (the human species) is clearly distinguished from other species by the capacity of using language† (Johnson 1). Human beings have an organized system of languages, linguistics, that exist and are practiced around the world. As seen with non-human animals, vocal communication methods are not organized or planned. According to linguistics researcher, Jose Johnson (2012), â€Å"†¦human language is entirely different, biologically and culturally†. The Human Language It is the human language and the development of human language that is recognized as the most effective method of human communication. The terminology, â€Å"language†, is derived from the Latin word lingua, meaning tongue. Human language is an organized form or method of communication that is often used to construct meaningful and purposeful response networks that help in the significant development of human culture. â€Å"Human language is an open entity, new words or meanings may often emerge or come into use as a result of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

External influences Essay Example for Free

External influences Essay Three ways in which an increase in unemployment might affect Hacker PLC are Organisation, Payments, and Government spending. Organisation Unemployment can have a number of effect on the internal organisation of a business. It may mean that the firm can no longer afford to recruit new members of staff because of low demand for its products. New, often young, recruits to a firm will no longer be coming through. In addition, new posts which arise may be filled through retraining of existing staff rather than recruitment. This can lead to significant changes in the age profile of an organisations employees. Redundancies are also a common feature of a period of high unemployment. Whilst the work of some who are made redundant will not be replaced, the responsibilities and roles of others may be added to the job description of those who remain within the firm. This can lead to increasing demands on existing employees. During periods of high unemployment, some firms reorganise their internal structure. This may mean the loss of a whole tier in the hierarchy or the changing of individuals job description. Payments Businesses may be faced with making redundancy payments to workers. These tend to vary between firms depending upon the average length of service of the employee. The cost of reorganisation caused by redundancies will also have to be borne by firms. Such costs may include lost productivity after a reorganisation as employees struggle to cope with new responsibilities. It may be easier for firms to recruit new employees during a period of high unemployment. This is because there is a large pool of people to choose from, with more applicants for each available post. In addition, because of the increased competition for new jobs, people may be prepared to work for less money. In this way firms can lower their labour costs. Government spending High levels of unemployment mean that government spending on social security will be high. Also, the government will lose revenue from tax and National insurance contributions which people would have paid had they been in employment. To male up for this the government may borrow, increase taxation or reduce other items of spending. 8. Structural unemployment can offer UK businesses the opportunities of new methods of productions and competition from overseas. The business benefits from the changing of pattern of demands because this means that because the business may make use of modern technology/machinery, there will be less human intervene required. This is a benefit has the business is reducing its labour costs and total costs. This is a benefit because although this means that redundancy will be made and high labour turn over will be made, at least the business will be able to keep the money spent on labour and enjoy greater profits. Secondly, the business may be gain an opportunity from this because an encouragement can be made to foreign producers to establish their businesses in UK. This will benefit the firm because it means the firm can negotiate with the government to receive grants and support with the establishment of the business, as the firm can provide employment to people and possibly to those people as well with skills not needed by domestic businesses. 15. The likely implications for the government trying to reduce the unemployment are that in Cyclical employment the business may suffer from the falling sales. In the short term, the businesses may be able to add any surplus production to stocks. Alternatively, businesses may seek new market, perhaps overseas. However, not all businesses may suffer from the changes in unemployment, whilst suppliers of luxury products could suffer substantial reduction in sales. Secondly, in structural unemployment the effects on the businesses can be severe because its often highly localised and very persistent. If there is need to a reduce output, then rationalisation and redundancy might follow and factories and offices may be closed. Research and development plans may be abandoned or postponed as firms seek to reduce their costs to match their reduced revenues. The predicted fall in the level of demand may encourage the firms to diversify.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Developing a game levels

Developing a game levels ABSTRACT: This dissertation is focused on the Current FPS Game Levels Played and Suggests how to Develop a Game level based on a gamers Feed backs. The full content and the Procedure of the Dissertation is based on experiences and first hand research In this dissertation you find all the needed data about how to create a level and the proper procedure of developing a level based on Gamers feed back. The process explained in this dissertation is much simpler and organized for the current generation of gaming We shall discuss on how to start of by understanding the current generation of Gamers and how to create a proper game level with the researched data. This dissertation explains the procedure thoroughly in such a way that it can be implemented at any given generations of gaming. The procedure can be used by any game designer. They can use the implemented data and get optimal result based on their first hand research. AIM: To analyze the perceptions of gamers and to develop a proper game level using their feed backs OBEJECTIVE: To explain the procedure for a proper game level To analyze the current status of gaming To evaluate the research data and come out with a proper conclusion To analyze the dos and donts for creating a level To provide a guideline to level designers to use researched materials To make a recommendation for creating a proper level in future METHODS: Establishing a targeted audiences A survey of current practice in different types of levels A survey of current practice in different types of themes used in levels A survey of current practice in different types of genres A series of case studies about the most popular levels A review of historical perspective of level designing A qualitative evaluation of gamers review Summary of Chapters Describing what is a game level The first phase is Introduction and brief history about level design. Readers will get a brief introduction about the topic and will also get to read some of the brief history Preparing for survey research The second phase is preparing a proper survey question for the audience. This phase is really important and will make you understand the current generation of gaming Establishing Targeted Audiences The third phase explains about choosing the right audiences for your research Interviewing them Individually The fourth phase will a face 2 face interview with the gamers and asking them questions according to the survey Analyzing the Researched Data The Fifth phase will be analyze all the researched data and create a proper chart of everything Pre Production ( Concepts Layouts And Design) The sixth phase we have to create concept arts and layouts according to the Chart Production ( Prototype and Modeling the Map) The Seventh Phase is the production part. Where we will be creating a proper prototype and then move on to creating the level Post Production ( lighting, Effects and Finalization) The Eighth phase is the finalization phase. Where we should have a proper working level. Then testing and balancing the level Selling your level The final phase is how to release and sell your level Introduction: Building levels is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I can think of. Taking pure imagination and making it come alive is absolutely addictive-a creative process so immersive and consuming that youll start craving it when you havent done it for too long. Some people think the fun is in playing the game, but, for a few special people, creating and building the environments in which other people play causes mere game playing to pale in comparison. If youre reading this book, you are probably one of those special people who have that compulsion to create, and, with your creation, entertain. Level design is a mixture of art and science. Level design requires artistic skills and as well as extensive technical knowledge. Any level designer with professional skills will no succeed by grasping current generation of gaming, game flow and pacing. A level designer who understands this structure has no architectural or Art experience will fail as well. Level designing is creations of levels in which the player interacts with the game environment to play in the game universe. A level is created by using the level design tools in an existing engine or even a new engine can be created to create your own level design according to your user interface and shortcuts. Many famous company usually develop there own level editor. This way they can keep up with the current generation of gaming and save a lot a time. Creating a level design might be easy for any level designer but the main question will the level sell or liked by the gamers? At least more than 100 of levels are posted online for different games out of which only very few get chosen and liked by gamers. The whole point of level design is How addictive and competitive is your level? Will it be played again and again? Will it sell in the market? In this dissertation you will get to see a complete guide on how to create a game level based on gamers feedback. And give you a complete solution on developing a working level which will sell in the market easily. The methods described in this dissertation can be analyzed and used at time of the gaming generation. The whole process revolves in an around gamers of current gaming generations. This dissertation is specially designed for wide range of people. Actually, the first priority group for this dissertation is game level designers. And this dissertation also explains how a level can be created by using the feedbacks of current generation of gaming. This dissertation is should be read from start to finish because you come to know that each chapter has it own meaning and importance. Chapter 1: Describing what is a game level Level designing is the creations of levels in a level editor by a level designer. To create a proper level design by a level designer needs artistic as well as architectural skills. Level is one who is never afraid to step back and re-correcting their content. A great designer needs to throw content out or work on concepts that needs attention A level designer creates a level try to sell it and make it famous it doesnt work why because the level? Have mention the reason below concept is boring and repetitive Themes are repetitive and not new Is not built properly Doesnt understand the current gaming generation Proper obstacles are not used It is extremely important for a level designer to recognize a proper level. Instead of making a same level which concept is already used? They should try to come out with something really new when his work is not coming together. In one instance a games become tired of playing the same level with the same and boring content over and over. A great level might gets scrapped or reworked because a designing cycle is dragging on and a gamers who plays it feels the work is not as fresh and new. A designer must recognize that their view is tainted. One good possibilities of creating a good level is by understanding the gamers of the current gaming generations History: In the earlier days there was no such thing has level designer. Everything was done by the programmer. So basically the game programmer does the programming part and the level designing part. The Beginning 1975-1980 In the beginning people never really cared about the levels in the games are played because. The first games where were developed didnt need that much of attention for levels. MUDs was one of the firsts games that actually required a lots of attention and time to the level designs .This Game was developed by Ralph Koster, Brad McQuaid, Mark Jacobs, Brian Green and J.Todd Coleman. A MUD ( multi-user dungeon ), is a multi-user real-time virtual world which is described entirely in text. Basically the game is a text based game. It have different features of elements like RPG ( role-playing-games), Interactive fictions and online chatting. Users actually got to see a lot in this game because of the details of the description such as rooms, object, other players, non-players characters, and actions performed in the virtual world Players interacts with each other by typing in commands. The designers where assigned to create new paths, design and tools for this game. The game interface used in this was ZZT, which was a early notable interface for mapping and event scripting, and it is still gentlest way to introduce a person to a level layout. Then later on game in 1978 the game Space invaders was created by Tomohiro Nishikado Space invaders was a two-dimensional game were you have to control a spaceship shooting at alien moving forward towards you. The whole was created and designed by Tomohiro Nishikado Himself. There was not much of details for the level of this game. But later on when it was popular in the market Different version was released in 2D and 3D In 1978 the famous game Adventure was created in Atari. This game was created based on the text based game called as Colossal Cave Adventure This game was developed by Atari and the designer of this game was Warrenn Robinnett the level designed in this game are simple maze where the players has to find the key get to the door by dodging all the obstacles and enemies on his way In the Middle (1980-1998) In 1980 The great game which is still played now was created. The game Pac Man It was the most best played in the earlier 80s. The creator of the game was Toru Iwantani He developed and as well as designed the game fully. If you see level of the game is a maze which makes the game more interesting. This game was so popular that later on it manufacture again with more difficulty and designs In 1985, the famous side scroller 2D game was created Super Mario Bros was created by Shingeru Miramato. He was a designer for Nintendo. The 2D level were very simple but yet realistic and nice at that time of gaming generation people played this game over and over and were still not bored of it. There were totally 4 types of different stages in this. The stages of this game had many obstacles and enemies which made the game more interesting In 1993, the first fps (first person shooter) game was released. Wolfenstein 3D this game was created by using a Software called ID software by john carmack. The levels in this game are like mazes. Your main goal is to escape out of the maze like prison. The level designed in this are not that much detailed. Most of the walls and the ceiling have the same color. It was pretty difficult but the game was fun and really enjoyed by the users The Change 1998-2009 In 1998, the game Unreal released and was a massive hit. The game unreal was created by epic games and was really famous for its graphics and sound effects which mad the game so realistic. The unreal released there unreal engine which was so much advanced and better compared to id software which created games like Wolfenstein 3d, Doom etc If you play the game unreal you see that the levels are really scaring and the effects of the game are really incredible. Unreal boosted the expectations of 3D graphics considerably. Unreal was one of the first games which used detailed textures. When player stand next to an object or wall the textures detail will fade in and make look more realistic instead of showing it blurry like other games. The lighting effects took time to develop but the result of it was incredible because the course of the development occurred during the emergence and rapid progression of hardware 3D accelerators. So , with the advanced software 3D render. CHAPTER 2: Preparing for Research Survey In this Chapter you will learn Researching about current gaming Generation Planning your Survey Research Preparing the proper question Research about games played and the market viability Preparing your Survey question Preparing your Survey Form Knowing about current gaming generation: Gaming generations are defined as the video games released from the day of existence till now. The generations are In 1970, the first generation also known as golden age of video games was the phase when people came to know the existence of gaming. This was the time when the first generations of consoles were released. For example the Brown Box these consoles got famous among the people because of the release of revolutionary technology. Then in the first generation the main frame computers were released. Later on the Home computers were introduced to programmers were they get to program simple games. In 1977, the Second generation of gaming started was the earliest consoles were made. In this generation the video games were found on cartridges, with the release of the Fairchild Video Entertainment System (VES). The games were programmed and burned onto a ROM chip which was mounted on a cartridge which will be plugged into slots on the console Three machines which dominated Second generation consoles are. Video Computer System ( VCS) Intellivision ColecoVision In 1983, the third generation was the innovation of genre, in this period the different types of genres were introduced to the Market. Such as Adventure, Fighting, Maze games, Platform Etc. The gaming computers were introduced with basic programming environment and advanced graphics. The famous consoles of this generation were the Nintendo 8 bit console and sega masters console. In 1990, the fourth generation was a change from transition from pixels to full 3D graphics and the rise of several new genres such as FPS ( first-person shooter) and RPG (Role playing games) . Mobile Phone gaming was introduced in this generation. Some of the famous console of this generation is the Sega mega drive and the super nes. The CD-ROM drives were first introduced in this generation. For the Pc games and Basic 3D graphics entered the main stream with flat shaded polygons which made the gaming more famous in this generation. In 1993, the fifth generation gaming was full on with CDs and not with Cartridges. In this period lot of companies released console with 3DO Interactive Multiplayer. The fifth generation was famous because of fully 3D games. Transitions to 3D and CDs happened in this generation. Most of the Designer moved from 2D to full 3D genre games. Some of the famous consoles of this generation are Sony playstation, Sega jaguar In 1998, the sixth generation gaming the gaming level was way beyond compared to the past were all the people switched to full 3D gaming and the rise of alternate controllers and also online gaming rises to prominence like online MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) were introduced. The rise of pc causal games such as Bejeweled, Dinner Dash which really addictive among the adults. Some of the consoles of this Generation are Playstation2, Microsoft XBOX Game boy Advanced Etc. Since 2004, the current (Seventh) generation of gamers has taken effect. In the starting some of the handheld consoles were introduced with 3D graphics. (PSP, Nintendo DS) which was really famous among people. The Seventh generation of consoles was released by the well known companies (Sony playstaion3, Microsoft Xbox360 and Nintendo Wii) which is still famous among people and most played currently. Apple inc. enters the realm of gaming by bringing iPhone and iTouch. The computer gaming was way beyond imagination with high end 3D graphics. Famous company Nvidia Introduced the new 3D goggles for the feel of realistic 3D effect sitting at home.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

A horseshoe magnet

A horseshoe magnet A-1 Horseshoe magnet red silver iron A horseshoe magnet (A-1) has a north and south pole. If a piece of carbon steel contacts both poles, a magnetic circuit is created. In an electromagnetic brake, the north and south pole is created by a coil shell and a wound coil. In a brake, the armature is being pulled against the brake field. (A-3) The frictional contact, which is being controlled by the strength of the magnetic field, is what causes the rotational motion to stop. All of the torque comes from the magnetic attraction and coefficient of friction between the steel of the armature and the steel of the brake field. For many industrial brakes, friction material is used between the poles. The material is mainly used to help decrease the wear rate. But different types of material can also be used to change the coefficient of friction (torque) for special applications. For example, if the brake was required to have an extended time to stop or slip time, a low coefficient material can be used. Conversely, if the brake was r equired to have a slightly higher torque (mostly for low RPM applications), a high coefficient friction material could be used.[1] In a brake, the electromagnetic lines of flux have to attract and pull the armature in contact with it to complete brake engagement. Most industrial applications use what is called a single-flux two-pole brake. The coil shell is made with carbon steel that has a combination of good strength and good magnetic properties. Copper (sometimes aluminum) magnet wire, is used to create the coil, which is held in shell either by a bobbin or by some type of epoxy/adhesive.[2] To help increase life in applications, friction material is used between the poles. This friction material is flush with the steel on the coil shell, since if the friction material was not flush, good magnetic traction could not occur between the faces. Some people look at electromagnetic brakes and mistakenly assume that, since the friction material is flush with the steel, that the brake has already worn down, but this is not the case.[3] [edit] Basic Operation There are three parts to an electrmagnetic brake: field, armature, and hub (which is the input on a brake) (B-2). Usually the magnetic field is bolted to the machine frame (or uses a torque arm that can handle the torque of the brake). So when the armature is attracted to the field the stopping torque is transferred into the field housing and into the machine frame decelerating the load. This can happen very fast (.1-3sec). Disengagement is very simple. Once the field starts to degrade flux falls rapidly and the armature separates. A spring(s) hold the armature away from its corresponding contact surface at a predetermined air gap.[4] V-1 Right hand thumb rule If a piece of copper wire was wound, around the nail and then connected to a battery, it would create an electro magnet. The magnetic field that is generated in the wire, from the current, is known as the right hand thumb rule. (V-1) The strength of the magnetic field can be changed by changing both wire size and the amount of wire (turns). EM clutches are similar; they use a copper wire coil (sometimes aluminum) to create a magnetic field. The fields of EM brakes can be made to operate at almost any DC voltage and the torque produced by the brake will be the same as long as the correct operating voltage and current is used with the correct brake. If a 90 volt brake had 48 volts applied to it, this would get about half of the correct torque output of that brake. This is because voltage/current is almost linear to torque in DC electromagnetic brakes. A constant current power supply is ideal for accurate and maximum torque from a brake. If a non regulated power supply is used the magnetic flux will degrade as the resistance of the coil goes up. Basically, the hotter the coil gets the lower the torque will be produced by about an average of 8% for every 20Â °C. If the temperature is fairly constant, and there is a question of enough service factor in the design for minor temperature fluctuation, by slightly over sizing the brake can compensate for degradation. This will allow the use of a rectified power supply, which is far less expensive than a constant current supply. Based on V = I R, as resistance increases available current falls. An increase in resistance, often results from rising temperature as the coil heats up, according to: Rf = Ri [1 + aCu (Tf Ti)] Where Rf = final resistance, Ri = initial resistance, aCu = copper wires temperature coefficient of resistance, 0.0039 Â °C-1, Tf = final temperature, and Ti = initial temperature. [edit] Engagement Time There are actually two engagement times to consider in an electromagnetic brake. The first one is the time it takes for a coil to develop a magnetic field, strong enough to pull in an armature. Within this, there are two factors to consider. The first one is the amount of ampere turns in a coil, which will determine the strength of a magnetic field. The second one is air gap, which is the space between the armature and the coil shell. Magnetic lines of flux diminish quickly in the air. The further away the attractive piece is from the coil, the longer it will take for that piece to actually develop enough magnetic force to be attracted and pull in to overcome the air gap. For very high cycle applications, floating armatures can be used that rest lightly against the coil shell. In this case, the air gap is zero; but, more importantly the response time is very consistent since there is no air gap to overcome. Air gap is an important consideration especially with a fixed armature design because as the unit wears over many cycles of engagement the armature and the coil shell will create a larger air gap which will change the engagement time of the brakes. In high cycle applications, where registration is important, even the difference of 10 to 15 milliseconds can make a difference, in registration of a machine. Even in a normal cycle application, this is important because a new machine that has accurate timing can eventually see a drift in its accuracy as the machine gets older. The second factor in figuring out response time of a brake is actually much more important than the magnet wire or the air gap. It involves calculating the amount of inertia that the brake needs to decelerate. This is referred to as time to stop. In reality, this is what the end-user is most concerned with. Once it is known how much inertia is present for the brake to stop then the torque can be calculated and the appropriate size of brake can be chosen. Most CAD systems can automatically calculate component inertia, but the key to sizing a brake is calculating how much inertial is reflected back to the brake. To do this, engineers use the formula: T = (WK2 ?N) / (308 t) Where T = required torque in lb-ft, WK2 = total inertia in lb-ft2, ?N = change in the rotational speed in rpm, and t = time during which the acceleration or deceleration must take place. Inertia Calculator There are also online sites that can help confirm how much torque is required to decelerate a given amount of inertia over a specific time. Remember to make sure that the torque chosen, for the brake, should be after the brake has been burnished. [edit] Burnishing What Is It and Why Is It Important? Burnishing is the wearing or mating of opposing surfaces. When the armature and brake faces are produced, the faces are machined as flat as possible. (Some manufacturers also lightly grind the faces to get them smoother.) But even with that the machining process leaves peaks and valleys on the surface of the steel. When a new out of the box brake is initially engaged most peaks on both mating surfaces touch which means that the potential contact area can be significantly reduced. In some cases, an out of box brake may have only 50% of its torque rating. Burnishing is the process of cycling the brake to wear down those initial peaks, so that there is more surface contact between the mating faces Even though burnishing is required to get full torque out of the brake it may not be required in all applications. Simply put, if the application torque is lower than the initial out of box torque of the brake, burnishing would not be required; however, if the torque required is higher, then burnishing needs to be done. In general this tends to be required more on higher torque brakes than on smaller lower torque brakes. The process involves cycling the brake a number of times at a lower inertia, lower speed or a combination of both. Burnishing can require from 20 to over 100 cycles depending upon the size of a brake and the amount of initial torque required. For bearing mounted brakes where the rotor and armature is connected and held in place via a bearing, burnishing does not have to take place on the machine. It can be done individually on a bench or as a group at a burnishing station. Two piece brakes that have separate armatures should try to have the burnishing done on the machine verses a bench. The reason for this is if burnishing on a two piece brake is done on a bench and there is a shift in the mounting tolerance when that brake is mounted to the machine the alignment could be shifted so the burnishing lines on the armature, rotor or brake face may be off slightly preventing that brake from achieving full torque. Again, the difference is only slight so this would only be required in a ver y torque sensitive application. [edit] Torque Burnishing can affect initial torque of a brake but there are also factors that affect the torque performance of a brake in an application. The main one is voltage/current. In the voltage/current section we showed why a constant current supply is important to get full torque out of the brake. When considering torque, the question of using dynamic or static torque for the application is key? For example, if running a machine at relatively low rpm (5 50 depending upon size) there is minimal concern with dynamic torque since the static torque rating of the brake will come closest to where it is running. However, when running a machine at 3,000rpm and applying the brake at its catalog torque, at that rpm, is misleading. Almost all manufacturers put the static rated torque for their brakes in their catalog. So, when trying to determine a specific response rate for a particular brake, the dynamic torque rating is needed. In many cases this can be significantly lower. It can be less than half of the static torque rating. Most manufacturers publish torque curves showing the relationship between dynamic and static torque for a given series of brake. Electromagnetic-Power-Off-Brake Over excitation is used to achieve a faster response time. Its when a coil momentarily receives a higher voltage then its nominal rating. To be effective the over excitation voltage must be significantly, but not to the point of diminishing returns, higher than the normal coil voltage. Three times the voltage typically gives around 1/3 faster response. Fifteen times the normal coil voltage will produce a 3 times faster response time. With over excitation the in rush voltage is momentary. Although it would depend upon the size of the coil the actual time is usually only a few milliseconds. The theory is, for the coil to generate as much of a magnetic field as quickly as possible to attract the armature and start the process of deceleration. Once the over excitation is no longer required the power supply to the brake would return to its normal operating voltage. This process can be repeated a number of times as long as the high voltage does not stay in the coil long enough to cause the coil wire to overheat. [edit] Wear It is very rare that a coil would just stop working in an electromagnetic brake. Typically if a coil fails it is usually due to heat which has caused the insulation of the coil wire to break down. That heat can be caused by high ambient temperature, high cycle rates, slipping or applying too high of a voltage. Most brakes are flanged mounted and have bearings but some brakes are bearing mounted and like the coils, unless bearings are stressed beyond their physical limitations or become contaminated, they tend to have a long life and they are usually the second item to wear out. The main wear in electromagnetic brakes occurs on the faces of the mating surfaces. Every time a brake is engaged during rotation a certain amount of energy is transferred as heat. The transfer, which occurs during rotation, wears both the armature and the opposing contact surface. Based upon the size of the brake, the speed and the inertia, wear rates will differ. With a fixed armature design a brake will eventually simply cease to engage. This is because the air gap will eventually become too large for the magnetic field to overcome. Zero gap or auto wear armatures can wear to the point of less than one half of its original thickness, which will eventually cause missed engagements. [edit] Backlash Some applications require very tight precision between all components. In these applications even a degree of movement between the input and the output when a brake is engaged can be a problem. This is true in many robotic applications. Sometimes the design engineers will order brakes with zero backlash but then key them to the shafts so although the brake will have zero backlash theres still minimal movement occurring between the hub or rotor in the shaft. Most applications, however, do not need true zero backlash and can use a spline type connection. Some of these connections between the armature and the hub are standard splines others are hex or square hub designs. The spline will have the best initial backlash tolerance. Typically less than 2 degrees but the spline and the other connection types can wear over time and the tolerances will increase. [edit] Environment / Contamination As brakes wear they create wear particles. In some applications such as clean rooms or food handling this dust could be a contamination problem so in these applications the brake should be enclosed to prevent the particles from contaminating other surfaces around it. But a more likely scenario is that the brake has a better chance of getting contaminated from its environment. Obviously oil or grease should be kept away from the contact surface because they would significantly reduce the coefficient of friction which could drastically decrease the torque potentially causing failure. Oil midst or lubricated particles can also cause surface contamination. Sometimes paper dust or other contamination can fall in between the contact surfaces. This can also result in a lost of torque. If a known source of contamination is going to be present many clutch manufactures offer contamination shields that prevent material from falling in between the contact surfaces. In brakes that have not been used in a while rust can develop on the surfaces. But in general this is normally not a major concern since the rust is worn off within a few cycles and there is no lasting impact on the torque. [edit] Other Types of Electromagnetic Brakes Electormagnetic Power Off Brake Spring Set Introduction Power off brakes stop or hold a load when electrical power is either accidentally lost or intentionally disconnected. In the past, some companies have referred to these as fail safe brakes. These brakes are typically used on or near an electric motor. Typical applications include robotics, holding brakes for Z axis ball screws and servo motor brakes. Brakes are available in multiple voltages and can have either standard backlash or zero backlash hubs. Multiple disks can also be used to increase brake torque, without increasing brake diameter. There are 2 main types of holding brakes. The first is spring applied brakes. The second is permanent magnet brakes. How It Works Spring Type When no electricity is applied to the brake, a spring pushes against a pressure plate, squeezing the friction disk between the inner pressure plate and the outer cover plate. This frictional clamping force is transferred to the hub, which is mounted to a shaft. Permanent Magnet Type A permanent magnet holding brake looks very similar to a standard power applied electromagnetic brake. Instead of squeezing a friction disk, via springs, it uses permanent magnets to attract a single face armature. When the brake is engaged, the permanent magnets create magnetic lines of flux, which can turn attract the armature to the brake housing. To disengage the brake, power is applied to the coil which sets up an alternate magnetic field that cancels out the magnetic flux of the permanent magnets. Both power off brakes are considered to be engaged when no power is applied to them. They are typically required to hold or to stop alone in the event of a loss of power or when power is not available in a machine circuit. Permanent magnet brakes have a very high torque for their size, but also require a constant current control to offset the permanent magnetic field. Spring applied brakes do not require a constant current control, they can use a simple rectifier, but are larger in diameter or would need stacked friction disks to increase the torque. [edit] Electromagnetic Particle Brake Magnetic Particle Brake Introduction Magnetic particle brakes are unique in their design from other electro-mechanical brakes because of the wide operating torque range available. Like an electro-mechanical brake, torque to voltage is almost linear; however, in a magnetic particle brake, torque can be controlled very accurately (within the operating RPM range of the unit). This makes these units ideally suited for tension control applications, such as wire winding, foil, film, and tape tension control. Because of their fast response, they can also be used in high cycle applications, such as magnetic card readers, sorting machines and labeling equipment. How It Works Magnetic particles (very similar to iron filings) are located in the powder cavity. When electricity is applied to the coil, the resulting magnetic flux tries to bind the particles together, almost like a magnetic particle slush. As the electric current is increased, the binding of the particles becomes stronger. The brake rotor passes through these bound particles. The output of the housing is rigidly attached to some portion of the machine. As the particles start to bind together, a resistant force is created on the rotor, slowing, and eventually stopping the output shaft. When electricity is removed from the brake, the input is free to turn with the shaft. Since magnetic particle powder is in the cavity, all magnetic particle units have some type of minimum drag associated with them. [edit] Electromagnetic Hysteresis Power Brake Electomagnetic Hysteresis Power Brake Introduction Electrical hysteresis units have an extremely wide torque range. Since these units can be controlled remotely, they are ideal for test stand applications where varying torque is required. Since drag torque is minimal, these units offer the widest available torque range of any of the hysteresis products. Most applications involving powered hysteresis units are in test stand requirements. How It Works When electricity is applied to the field, it creates an internal magnetic flux. That flux is then transferred into a hysteresis disk passing through the field. The hysteresis disk is attached to the brake shaft. A magnetic drag on the hysteresis disk allows for a constant drag, or eventual stoppage of the output shaft. When electricity is removed from the brake, the hysteresis disk is free to turn, and no relative force is transmitted between either member. Therefore, the only torque seen between the input and the output is bearing drag. [edit] Multiple Disk Brakes Electromagnetic Multiple Disk Brake Introduction Multiple disk brakes are used to deliver extremely high torque within a small space. These brakes can be used either wet or dry, which makes them ideal to run in multi speed gear box applications, machine tool applications, or in off road equipment. How It Works Electro-mechanical disk brakes operate via electrical actuation, but transmit torque mechanically. When electricity is applied to the coil of an electromagnet, the magnetic flux attracts the armature to the face of the brake. As it does so, it squeezes the inner and outer friction disks together. The hub is normally mounted on the shaft that is rotating. The brake housing is mounted solidly to the machine frame. As the disks are squeezed, torque is transmitted from the hub into the machine frame, stopping and holding the shaft. When electricity is removed from the brake, the armature is free to turn with the shaft. Springs keep the friction disk and armature away from each other. There is no contact between breaking surfaces and minimal drag. Architecture of an Electromechanical Braking System General architecture of an electromechanical braking (EMB) system in a drive-by-wire car is shown in Fig. 1. The system mainly comprises five types of elements: Processors including an Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and other local processors Memory (mainly integrated into the ECU) Sensors Actuators Communication network(s). Once the driver inputs a brake command to the system via a human-machine interface HMI (e.g. the brake pedal), four independent brake commands are generated by the ECU based on high level brake functions such as anti-lock braking system (ABS) or vehicle stability control (VSC). These command signals are sent to the four electric calipers (e-calipers) via a communication network. As this network might not be able to properly communicate with the e-calipers due to network faults, HMI sensory data are also directly transmitted to each e-caliper via a separate data bus. In each e-caliper a controller uses the brake command (received from ECU) as a reference input. The controller provides drive control commands for a power control module. This module controls three phase drive currents for the brake actuator which is a permanent magnet DC motor, energised by 42V sources. In addition to tracking its reference brake command, the caliper controller also controls the position and speed of the brake actuator. Thus, two sensors are vitally required to measure the position and speed of the actuator in each e-caliper. Because of the safety critical nature of the application, even missing a limited number of samples of these sensory data should be compensated for. [edit] Voting A brake-by-wire system, by nature, is a safety critical system and therefore fault tolerance is a vitally important characteristic of this system. As a result, a brake-by-wire system is designed in such way that many of its essential information would be derived from a variety of sources (sensors) and be handled by more than the bare necessity hardware. Three main types of redundancy usually exist in a brake-by-wire system: Redundant sensors in safety critical components such as the brake pedal. Redundant copies of some signals that are of particular safety importance such as displacement and force measurements of the brake pedal copied by multiple processors in the pedal interface unit. Redundant hardware to perform important processing tasks such as multiple processors for the electronic control unit (ECU) in Fig. 1. In order to utilize the existing redundancy, voting algorithms need to be evaluated, modified and adopted to meet the stringent requirements of a brake-by-wire system. Reliability, fault tolerance and accuracy are the main targeted outcomes of the voting techniques that should be developed especially for redundancy resolution inside a brake-by-wire system. Example of a solution for this problem: A fuzzy voter developed to fuse the information provided by three sensors devised in a brake pedal design. [edit] Missing data compensation In a by-wire car, some sensors are safety-critical components, and their failure will disrupt the vehicle function and endanger human lives. Two examples are the brake pedal sensors and the wheel speed sensors. The electronic control unit must always be informed of the drivers intentions to brake or to stop the vehicle. Therefore, missing the pedal sensor data is a serious problem for functionality of the vehicle control system. Wheel speed data are also vital in a brake-by-wire system to avoid skidding. The design of a by-wire car should provide safeguards against missing some of the data samples provided by the safety-critical sensors. Popular solutions are to provide redundant sensors and to apply a fail-safe mechanism. In addition to a complete sensor loss, the electronic control unit may also suffer an intermittent (temporary) data loss. For example, sensor data can sometimes fail to reach the electronic control unit. This may happen due to a temporary problem with the sensor it self or with the data transmission path. It may also result from an instantaneous short circuit or disconnection, a communication network fault, or a sudden increase in noise. In such cases, for a safe operation, the system has to be compensated for missing data samples. Example of a solution for this problem: Missing data compensation by a predictive filter. [edit] Accurate estimation of position and speed of brake actuators in the e-calipers The caliper controller controls the position and speed of the brake actuator (besides its main task which is tracking of its reference brake command). Thus, position and speed sensors are vitally required in each e-caliper and an efficient design of a measurement mechanism to sense the position and speed of the actuator is required. Recent designs for brake-by-wire systems use resolvers to provide accurate and continuous measurements for both absolute position and speed of the rotor of the actuators. Incremental encoders are relative position sensors and their additive error needs to be calibrated or compensated for by different methods. Unlike the encoders, resolvers provide two output signals that always allow the detection of absolute angular position. In addition, they suppress common mode noise and are especially useful in a noisy environment. Because of these reasons, resolvers are usually applied for the purpose of position and speed measurement in brake-by-wire systems. Howev er, nonlinear and robust observers are required to extract accurate position and speed estimates from the sinusoidal signals provided by resolvers. Example of a solution for this problem: A hybrid resolver-to-digital conversion scheme with guaranteed robust stability and automatic calibration of the resolvers used in an EMB system. [edit] Measurement and/or estimation of clamp force in the electromechanical calipers A clamp force sensor is a relatively expensive component in an EMB caliper. The cost is derived from its high unit value from a supplier, as well as marked production expenses because of its inclusion. The later emanates from the complex assembly procedures dealing with small tolerances, as well as on-line calibration for performance variability from one clamp force sensor to another. The successful use of a clamp force sensor in an EMB system poses a challenging engineering task. If a clamp force sensor is placed close to a brake pad, then it will be subjected to severe temperature conditions reaching up to 800 degrees Celsius that will challenge its mechanical integrity. Also temperature drifts must be compensated for. This situation can be avoided by embedding a clamp force sensor deep within the caliper. However, embedding this sensor leads to hysteresis that is influenced by friction between the clamp force sensor and the point of contact of an inner pad with the rotor. This hys teresis prevents a true clamp force to be measured. Due to the cost issues and engineering challenges involved with including the clamp force sensor, it might be desirable to eliminate this component from the EMB system. A potential opportunity to achieve this presents itself in accurate estimation of the clamp force based on alternative EMB system sensory measurements leading to the omission of a clamp force sensor. Example of a solution for this problem: Clamp force estimation from actuator position and current measurements using sensor data fusion. A magnetometer is a scientific instrument used to measure the strength and/or direction of the magnetic field in the vicinity of the instrument. Magnetism varies from place to place and differences in Earths magnetic field (the magnetosphere) can be caused by the differing nature of rocks and the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the magnetosphere of a planet. Magnetometers are often a frequent component instrument on spacecraft that explore planets. [edit] Uses Magnetometers are used in ground-based electromagnetic geophysical surveys (such as magnetotellurics) to assist with detecting mineralization and corresponding geological structures. Airborne geophysical surveys use magnetometers that can detect magnetic field variations caused by mineralization, using airplanes like the Shrike Commander.[1] Magnetometers are also used to detect archaeological sites, shipwrecks and other buried or submerged objects, and in metal detectors to detect metal objects, such as guns in security screening. Magnetic anomaly detectors detect submarines for military purposes. They are used in directional drilling for oil or gas to detect the azimuth of the drilling tools near the drill bit. They are most often paired up with accelerometers in drilling tools so that both the inclination and azimuth of the drill bit can be found. Magnetometers are very sensitive, and can give an indication of possible auroral activity before one can see the light from the aurora. A grid of magnetometers around the world constantly measures the effect of the solar wind on the Earths magnetic field, which is published on the K-index.[2] A three-axis fluxgate magnetometer was part of the Mariner 2 and Mariner 10 missions.[3] A dual technique Magnetometer is part of the Cassini-Huygens mission to explore Saturn.[4] This system is composed of a vector helium and fluxgate magnetometers.[5] Magnetometers are also a component instrument on the Mercury MESSENGER mission. A magnetometer can also be used by satellites like GOES to measure both the magnitude and direction of a planets or moons magnetic field. Further information: Spacecraft magnetometer [edit] Mobile phones Magnetometers are appearing in mobile phones. The Apple iPhone 3GS has a magnetometer and comes with a compass app for showing direction. It can also reorient maps to show the direction youre facing.[6] [edit] Types Magnetometers can be divided into two basic types: Scalar magnetometers measure the total strength of the magnetic field to which they are subjected, and Vector magnetometers have the capability to measure the component of the magnetic field in a particular direction, relative to the spatial orientation of the device. The use of three orthogonal vector magnetometers allows the magnetic field strength, inclination and declination to be uniquely defined. Examples of vector magnetometers are fluxgates, superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUIDs), and the atomic SERF magnetometer. Some scalar magnetometers are discuss

Monday, August 19, 2019

Literary Criticism of Swift’s Poetry Essay -- Swift

Literary Criticism of Swift’s Poetry In her article, "Voyeurism in Swift's Poetry," Louise K. Barnett explores the trend of voyeurism m the works of Jonathan Swift. She speaks broadly about the use of this technique in his work and concentrates on a few poems including "The Lady's Dressing Room." Barnett believes that Swift's poetry tends to be more voyeuristic than it is obsessed with excrement and decay. To support this, she maintains that each poem centers around the experience of seeing the obscenity (i.e. "The Lady's Dressing Room" revolves around Strephon's response to Celia's dirt and dung) rather than the obscenity. Barnett claims that the act should offend readers more than the content: "What is seen [in Swift] - a pathetic streetwalker disrobing, a disordered dressing room and lavatory - is not truly extraordinary; the appropriation of private experience and the poetic vindication of it are more so." (18) The fact that Swift looks at (and writes about) the private life constitutes a betrayal that should make the reader uneasy. (19) In light of this, Barnett suggests: What makes voyeurism such a powerful aesthetic strategy is its violation of the taboo of privacy, its denial of a condition that we take for granted as our right - namely, not to be observed in certain places, at certain times, doing certain things. 17 The private life consists of details that the public life would rather deny or at least hide. (17) If one person examines the private life of another (i.e. Strephon sees Celia's dressing room), the credibility of that public life is destroyed for him or her. If a large number of people examine that private life (i.e. readers of Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room"), the public facade is totally dest... ...tion of some sort of improper behavior." (20) I found Bamett's article engaging but difficult to digest. She tries to fit words like "obverse" and "espousal" into her work smoothly, but instead leaves the reader pouring over her words with a dictionary nearby. (This seems to be a trend in literary criticism - apparently, the bigger your words, the more people believe that you know something they don't!) She sets up her argument for "The Lady's Dressing Room," "A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed," and "The Legion Club" to be considered voyeuristic rather than scatological efficiently. Though I disagree, her belief that Swift objectifies women just as the Romantics he critiqued deserves merit. The only downfall is the abuse of a thesaurus. Works Cited Barnett, Louise K. "Voyeurism in Swift's Poetry." Studies in the Literary Imagination. Spring l984: 17-26. Literary Criticism of Swift’s Poetry Essay -- Swift Literary Criticism of Swift’s Poetry In her article, "Voyeurism in Swift's Poetry," Louise K. Barnett explores the trend of voyeurism m the works of Jonathan Swift. She speaks broadly about the use of this technique in his work and concentrates on a few poems including "The Lady's Dressing Room." Barnett believes that Swift's poetry tends to be more voyeuristic than it is obsessed with excrement and decay. To support this, she maintains that each poem centers around the experience of seeing the obscenity (i.e. "The Lady's Dressing Room" revolves around Strephon's response to Celia's dirt and dung) rather than the obscenity. Barnett claims that the act should offend readers more than the content: "What is seen [in Swift] - a pathetic streetwalker disrobing, a disordered dressing room and lavatory - is not truly extraordinary; the appropriation of private experience and the poetic vindication of it are more so." (18) The fact that Swift looks at (and writes about) the private life constitutes a betrayal that should make the reader uneasy. (19) In light of this, Barnett suggests: What makes voyeurism such a powerful aesthetic strategy is its violation of the taboo of privacy, its denial of a condition that we take for granted as our right - namely, not to be observed in certain places, at certain times, doing certain things. 17 The private life consists of details that the public life would rather deny or at least hide. (17) If one person examines the private life of another (i.e. Strephon sees Celia's dressing room), the credibility of that public life is destroyed for him or her. If a large number of people examine that private life (i.e. readers of Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room"), the public facade is totally dest... ...tion of some sort of improper behavior." (20) I found Bamett's article engaging but difficult to digest. She tries to fit words like "obverse" and "espousal" into her work smoothly, but instead leaves the reader pouring over her words with a dictionary nearby. (This seems to be a trend in literary criticism - apparently, the bigger your words, the more people believe that you know something they don't!) She sets up her argument for "The Lady's Dressing Room," "A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed," and "The Legion Club" to be considered voyeuristic rather than scatological efficiently. Though I disagree, her belief that Swift objectifies women just as the Romantics he critiqued deserves merit. The only downfall is the abuse of a thesaurus. Works Cited Barnett, Louise K. "Voyeurism in Swift's Poetry." Studies in the Literary Imagination. Spring l984: 17-26.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Ibsens Roles Essay -- essays research papers

The movement from nineteenth-century Romanticism to twentieth-century Realism in art and literature sought to accurately reflect real life instead of idealizing it. Playwrights all over Europe and America rebelled against the established standards of a "well-made play". They shocked, as well as horrified their audience, by abstaining from writing a resolution, or an "ideal ending" in their plays. These innovators insisted on presenting social issues in a dramatic scenario, and imposed their discussions onto their audience. Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, the "Father of Realism" was one of the main advocates for social revolution. He was notorious for weaving controversial topics into his plays, as well as for including female leads. He knew very well that society’s oppression over women was a prime example of the hamper it placed over every person’s potential. Writing about women allowed him to make a universal call, not only to wo men, but to every sentient being. His plays cried out for the individual’s emancipation. In A Doll’s House , Ibsen portrayed the altruistic nature instilled into women by society, the consequential stunt of their development, and the need for them to find their own voice in a world dominated by men. For ages, society has taught women to set aside their own needs and to focus on those of her husband and children. Women have been forced to be passive, gentle creatures who must also be willing to sacrifice themselves for others. Nora, the protagonist in the play, expresses her intention in protecting her husband at any price, "Torvald, with all his masculine pride--how painfully humiliating for him if he ever found out he was in debt to me." Nora will not admit to Torvald that she has saved his life, for he will most likely acquire an inadequacy complex for his inability to be in control over every aspect of his life. She prefers to be deprived of the credit she deserves than to hurt Torvald’s manly ego. She allows Torvald to treat her like a mischievous little spendthrift although he is not aware that "she had scrimped and skeletonized her own needs so that Helmer and the children had been deprived of nothing" (Salomà ©, 46). Nora has selflessly given up any extra money for herself so that her children ... ...surpass those needed to carry out menial tasks at home. When Torvald calls her a "blind, incompetent child", Nora assertively responds, "I must learn to be competent, Torvald". Because Nora was always submitted herself to Torvald’s expectations, she is not aware of her own capacity. Only by leaving Torvald and her seemingly happy home, will she have enough focus on her own person to discover her own potential for success. The family is a microcosm of society; any problem that can arise within this institution is a direct reflection of a problem faced by society. Ibsen takes advantage of this knowledge and focuses on women and their shackled autonomy. He certainly is a master at presenting us a glimpse of ourselves in our daily life experiences, and leaving us questioning society in the end. By using Nora as the protagonist in A Doll’s House , he shows people that a hint of selfishness is much better than blind altruism, that choosing to reject this knowledge will only be self-destructive to a person, and embracing this knowledge can help one break out of society’s manacles and into a quest for freedom.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Suicide and Children Essay -- Children Kids Suicide Killing Essays

Suicide and Children Suicide has become much more common in children than it used to be. For children under age 15, about 1-2 out of every 100,000 children will commit suicide. For those 15-19, about 11 out of 100,000 will commit suicide. These are statistics for children in the USA. Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death for children ages 10-14 and the third leading cause of death for teenagers 15-19. Recent evidence suggests it is the lack of substance abuse, guns, and relationship problems in younger children which accounts for the lower suicide rates in this group. The main way children kill themselves depends on what lethal means are available and their age. In countries where guns are readily available, such as the USA, that is the usual cause of suicide. Other causes are strangling and poisoning. Suicide attempts that do not result in death are more common. In any one year, 2-6% of children will try to kill themselves. About 1% of children who try to kill themselves actually die of suicide on the first attempt. On the other hand, of those who have tried to kill themselves repeatedly, 4% succeed. About 15-50% of children who are attempting suicide have tried it before. That means that for every 300 suicide attempts, there is one completed suicide. What makes a child more likely to attempt suicide? Video Teen Suicide: Too Young To Die Is Your Child Depressed? If a child has major depressive disorder, he or she is seven times more likely to try suicide. About 22% of depressed children will try suicide. Looking at it another way, children and teenagers who attempt suicide are 8 times more likely to have a mood disorder, three times more likely to have an anxiety disorder, and 6 times more likely to have a substance abuse problem. A family history of suicidal behavior and guns that are available also increase the risk. The vast majority (almost 90%) of children and adolescents who attempt suicide have psychiatric disorders. Over 75% have had some psychiatric contact in the last year. If a number of these are present, suicide risk needs to be carefully assessed regularly. If children are constantly dwelling on death and think being dead would be kind of nice, they are more likely to make a serious attempt. Many people have thought that the main reason that children and adolescents try to kill themselves is to ma... ...l thoughts or have made suicidal attempts have at least one, and sometimes more than one, psychiatric disorder (Read treating the chronically suicidal person). These disorders obviously need to be identified and treated. For medically serious attempts, it usually means going directly to a hospital, and then seeing a psychiatrist once the medical emergency has passed. Sometimes it means psychiatric hospitalization. For less serious attempts, it means getting seen in the next week or so. 4. Supervision If your child makes a suicide attempt or has a plan, you need to make sure they are not alone. They need to be watched until they can be carefully assessed. This may just be a matter of a day or so, or it could be longer. No one likes being watched all the time, and it is exhausting to all concerned. 5. Avoid manipulation Some people will use suicidal thoughts or attempts to get what they want or to get out of things they do not want to do. People try suicide to hurt others, to try to get back at boy or girl friends, and to get out of work or school. By keeping this possibility in mind, most parents (with a little help) can prevent suicidal behavior from becoming a habit.

Employee right case study bea Essay

The Pledge of Loyalty is portion of the baptismal of fire when you enter an organisation. When you become portion of a group. you are obliged to follow the pledge or if you can non. merely leave. And this will play a important function in the treatment of this instance survey. On the first inquiry of Allen Lopez retaining his occupation. while the First Amendment states that Lopez’ aerating of grudge is protected under the Freedom of Expression. he is. nevertheless. in struggle with the offense of calumny and for non detecting employment limitations and trueness curses. So while he is allowed to utilize whatever medium to province his feelings and thoughts. the jurisprudence allows his company to fire him for he endangers the security of his company’s work force. On the 2nd inquiry on whether Lopez be forced to take his web site. the company may make one of two things. First. the company may petition for Temporary Restraining Order that will be issued by the tribunal which will so order Lopez to stop dead the web site or to convey it down temporarily before the tribunal decides on whether seting up the web site did go against company Torahs as stated in the trueness pledge. Second is to action Lopez for amendss and include in their gesture that he convey down the web site to control farther onslaughts on the company’s image.Last. on how ExtremeNet’s executives will esteem Lopez’s rights and self-respect. it is best for ExtremeNet to merely inquire the tribunal to convey the website down particularly if it did non present any important negative effects in the traffics of the company. Allen Lopez has been a good employee and was merely contending for the public assistance of the lower ranking employees. But still. it is in the discretion of ExtremeNet to either fire or retain Allen Lopez in the company. FindLaw. First Amendment – Freedom of Expression. & lt ; accessible at hypertext transfer protocol: //caselaw. LP. findlaw. com/data/constitution/amendment01/ & gt ; eLaws. Employment Law Guide. & lt ; accessible at hypertext transfer protocol: //www. dol. gov/compliance/guide/ & gt ;